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Re:browser type queries

At 10:05 AM -0700 8/23/96, Keith.Sprochi@huntington.com wrote:
>  This is probably a ridiculous question, but here goes.  Is there a simple
>  way for a proxy server to
>  find out what type of browser is being used on the client?  I would like
>  to be able to deny access
>  based on what browser is being used for security and/or licensing
>  reasons.  I also want to avoid
>  operating system dependent methods if possible.


I know nothing about proxy servers. But I do know that if I want to know
what browser is hitting my site, I look at the HTTP_USER_AGENT
environmental variable.

Maybe this is of a little help.


Jim Ratliff, Ph.D.       jim@virtualperfection.com
Virtual Perfection       http://www.virtualperfection.com/
     Web Solutions       (520)624-7852
P.O.Box 43995            (800)578-2164
Tucson AZ 85733          (520)624-9266[fax]
